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Experts weigh in on

 Nick Ferguson

SKY SPORTS - Neil Renolds

Television Host

  "I have the good fortune of covering Nick Fergsuon in two professional leagues and more recently worked with him on British Television's coverage of the NFL. During my time working with Nick on Sky Sports, I found him to be and insightful, articulate and entertaining guest and I would recommend him to any broadcaster. When hosting on Sky Sports Show from the Super Bowl Media Center recently, Nick was at the top of my guest list because he always offers analysis in a fun and bery insightful way. He is a pleasure to work with and I hope we work together on many projects in the future."

CBS 4 - Steve Cox
Executive producer

As the Sports Producer at KCNC-TV since 1999, I had the pleasure of covering Nick during his time with the Denver Broncos. The athlete-media relationship can often be testy and awkward, but Nick was a true professional when dealing with reporters. It’s no wonder now that Nick has moved to the other side of that relationship that he maintains that professionalism.

As he was as a player, Nick is one of the most prepared on-air analysts I’ve had the opportunity to work with. Too often, former players simply show up believing they can wing it with the subject matter because of their own experience. Nick makes certain to know the subject matter.  He studies the current events like he’s breaking down tape for a Sunday game.

Of course, being prepared is only the first step to becoming a terrific on-air analyst. That preparation is useless unless the person can deliver it in a meaningful, cohesive and substantive style. Here again, Nick knocks it out of the park.  As a player, he was what we called a “great soundbite”.  As an analyst, he’s stepped up his game. If you want a former player who can go beyond just the X’s and O’s with personality, perspective and a terrific story-telling ability, Nick Ferguson should be on your radar.


James Brown
Sports Broadcaster at CBS Sports



“I’m writing on behalf of Nick ferguson, with whom I’ve worked over the past few years. In that time, I have

found him to be exactly as the NFL player for whom I had tremendous respect, displaying the same

attributes that made him an elite-level athlete:

Passionate,Team-Oriented, Work ethic second-to-none, Welcome advice and constructive criticism, Demonstrated his attention to detail as he showed via improvement in areas discussed, Has a “stick-to-itiveness” that underscores his attitude that he will accomplish his goals, Works well in a diverse setting.

I do, without hesitation, highly recommend Nick as one who will be an asset for any company. I’m available to provide any additional insight one may need regarding Nick Ferguson as a candidate for employment in your organization.”

James Brown

CBS Sports

CBS News

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